< Master index Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Visualization/ensembler support functions >

Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Visualization/ensembler support functions

Matlab files in this directory:

 addotherchanneleventADDOTHERCHANNELEVENT(fld) loads events from another channel into the
 axisidAXISID(id) adds sub label ids (e.g. a,b,c,...) to ensembler plots
 buttondownBUTTONDOWN(settings) controls behavior of button clicks in ensembler
 clearcolorbarsupdated by Philippe C. Dixon June 2016
 colorlistlist = colorlist(col) is a function used my ensembler to provide a list of
 combine_withincombine_within used to combine different axes with full freedom. Great for comparing
 concatPromptprmt = CONCATENSPROMPT(prmt,n) recursively concatenates the prompt at the top of ensembler
 continuousstatsCONTINUOUSSTATS is a standalong function to perform Bootstrap analysis
 coupling_anglesCOUPLING_ANGLES is a standalone function for ensembler
 createlinesstop_load = CREATELINES(fig,data,fl,settings) used by ensembler GUI to
 ensemble_figsizefigures out good ensembler size based on nmber of rows and columns
 ensembledataENSEMBLEDATA (vartype,settings) summarizes line and event data from ensembler
 ensembler_axis_highlightcurAx = ENSEMBLER_AXIS_HIGHLIGHT(bool) sets the color of current axis to red, all
 ensembler_eventvalENSEMBLER_EVENTVAL(fld) prepares data for export to a spreadsheet using eventval
 ensembler_msgboxENSEMBLER_MSGBOX(fld,msg) creates message box at bottom of figure
 ensembler_processingENSEMBLER_PROCESSING(fld,action) saves, loads, and runs processing
 ensembler_settingssettings = ENSEMBLER_SETTINGS(user_settings) sets all the default style settings for ensembler
 ensembler_tabbedfigureswork in progress to make ensembler use tabbed figures
 findensobjhnd = FINDENSOBJ(action,varargin) searches for objects in ensembler using
 font_changeFONT_CHANGE(mode) increases or decreases current font size of ensembler figure
 isgoodfileindx = strfind(nm,'/');
 keypress_ensemblerkeypress_ensembler is a stand-alone suppot function for ensembler
 loaddataLOADDATA(fld,figs,settings) loads line and event data into ensembler
 makebarMAKEBAR creates bar graphs from ensembler figures
 mybarlg = MYBAR(barval,evalue,conditions,colors,ax,lg,enames,type)
 normdataNORMDATA(type) plots normative gait data in ensembler. Usefuly for thesis
 quickstyleQUICKSTYLE quickly sets line style to some defaults. Useful if running
 resize_ensemblerRESIZE_ENSEMBLER(AX) automaticall resizes bar and line graph axes in ensembler figures
 stack_ensemblerSTACK_ENSEMBLER is a standalone function for ensembler
 start_ensemblerSTART_ENSEMBLER is a stand-alone function to control startup window of
 startup_ensemblerSTARTUP_ENSEMBLER initializes the GUI labels
 updatedataUPDATADATA is a stand-alone support function for ensembler

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